Food Allergies and Intolerances aren’t just in Humans
Posted by Kelli de Sante' on 22nd Aug 2021
Food allergies and intolerances aren’t just in humans.
Know the diet alternatives for keeping your pets their healthiest.
Last time we talked about the many ways we can look after our pets to protect them against harm, heatstroke, and injury. We touched on food allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances. This time, let’s look at food sensitivities and intolerances a little bit closer and one approach to healing and protecting your pet from health problems brought on by diet. Just as humans have food sensitivities and intolerances, so do animals. 1*
Antibodies or immunoglobins are a vital part of your dog’s natural immune system. As with us, when your pet is exposed to foreign invaders or antigens such as viruses or bacteria, the antibodies identify that there is an invader and activate the immune system in an attempt to attack and neutralize this foreign body. There are different types of antibodies all over your pet’s body.1*
In pets, Type II and Type III hypersensitivity reactions are food intolerances that can take days to develop. You might not see immediate changes in your pet after eating an offending food but instead, food intolerances can cause chronic allergy symptoms over time as these antibodies build up. These allergy symptoms might include:
- Itchy, dry skin
- possible hair loss
- digestive issues
- rashes, hives, and hot spots
- licking or knawing the feet or other body parts1*
According to Dogs Naturally Magazine, “…while these symptoms may appear to be food allergies, these problems are more often associated with an abnormal buildup of antibodies in your dog’s body and can result in inflammation and disease. It is this chronic inflammation that can cause your dog’s allergy symptoms. It can even cause other inflammatory conditions including arthritis, diabetes, kidney failure, and premature aging…” All as a result of diet! 1*
“…When the antigen-antibody complexes get stored in the skin, kidneys, or joints, tissue damage follows as the body tries to destroy them, and inflammation results. The greater number of antigen-antibody complexes, the more severe the inflammation …”1*
A few years back, researcher Aristo Vojdani in London took blood samples from 40 humans after eating both raw and cooked foods. He measured the antibodies in the blood and found that IgA and IgM antibody levels were much higher in the people eating cooked foods as opposed to raw. He realized that heating and processing foods change their properties in multiple ways. Proteins can be destroyed and parts of the proteins can form new ones. Fats oxidize and form new antigens. These changes, called neoantigen formation, means “new allergy”” meaning that cooking foods create new allergens in that food. 1*
According to Vojdani”s study, IgA and IgM antibodies were notably higher in people eating cooked foods whether it be meat, eggs, or fish.1*
So the next question is, how do you know if your dog’s health issues are caused by food sensitivities?
An elimination diet can take time, but you can try switching foods to see how your pet reacts. There are also saliva and fur tests that measure the IgA and IgM antibodies in your pet or look for sensitivities. (You can search these online).
If the food isn’t removed from the diet, just as in humans, the inflammation caused by the allergy will continue to affect the joints or other parts of the body as a result of the health issues. If your dog has any symptoms of chronic disease or is eating a processed diet and has you concerned, now might be the time to look at the food going into him and think about the harm it could be doing.1*
There are other good reasons to avoid cooked processed foods:
Cooked meats, as well as fish, can contain cancer-causing substances, such as heterocyclic amines and can also have acrylamides, “…which are a reaction between the amino acid asparagine and sugars found in foods…”1*
In Stockholm, Sweden, there was a study that demonstrated how young animals who were fed a processed diet were healthy initially but upon reaching maturity, they started to age rapidly, showing symptoms of degenerative disease. In contrast, a control group raised on a raw diet didn’t age nearly as fast and showed no symptoms of degenerative disease.1*
“…Another study out of Belgium used data gathered from more than 500 domestic dogs over 5 years (1998-2002). The authors showed that dogs fed a homemade diet, made of high-quality foods lived longer. Their life expectancy was 32 months longer than dogs fed an industrial, commercial pet food diet …”1*
Research shows there are real health risks with cooked processed foods for some pets. If your pet suffers from some of the above-mentioned health issues, you might consider exploring a fresh, raw, freeze-dried, or homemade diet using lower temperatures. Keep in mind, many people prefer a kibble diet, as the “…potential benefits are reduced dental plaque, healthier gums, reduced risk of bacteria, easier storage, less risk of spoilage, and cost-effectiveness…” Many pets live long healthy lives on kibble, but if your pet seems to be suffering from intolerances or allergies, you know there are alternatives to explore. 1*
Lastly, keeping your pet on a daily regimen of Body Biotics™ Bio-Identical SBO Probiotics Consortia™ which is easily tolerated by both humans and animals, helps keep their digestive tract healthy, wards off unwanted microorganisms, and keeps the immune system strong.2*
Healthiest wishes,