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Bio-Identical Probiotic/Prebiotic SBO Consortia

Original Article As Published in:
for Doctors & Patients
August/September 1997 / Issues # 169/170
Cover Story Title:
Mother Nature Provides a Natural Probiotic


Dr. Morton Walker, Editorial Director
484 High Ridge Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06905-3020
Phone (203) 322-1551
Fax: (203) 322-4656
Medical Journalist Report of Innovative Biologics
by: Morton Walker, D.P.M.
Soil-Based Organisms Support Immune System
Functions from the Ground Up
Note/Update: In 2008 the product referred to in this article underwent a name change from Nature’s Biotics® to BODY BIOTICS™. With the exception of the summary paragraphs at the end of the article, no changes have been made to the original 1997 published article. It has been reprinted here in its entirety.
In October 1994, about three years after publication of my Raum & Zeit article describing reversal of ulcerative colitis by use of infusions with venus fly trap (Carnivora®), Herbert Rubin, D.C., of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida telephoned me. Among other degenerative diseases, Carnivora® is effective for eliminating inflammatory illnesses involving the bowel. As a chiropractor alert to all manner of healing, Dr. Rubin was inquiring on behalf of his severely debilitated eighteen-year-old son, Jordan, who suffered acutely from regional enteritis with granulomatous ileitis, collectively identified as Crohn’s disease.1

Crohn’s disease is a long-term swelling bowel disorder of unknown origin that affects the lower part of the small intestine (the ileum), the main part of the large intestine (the colon), or both structures simultaneously. Jordan S. Rubin was experiencing every sort of discomforting symptom associated with it: a minimum of one dozen attacks of diarrhea daily, severe stomach pain, generalized abdominal cramps, nausea, fever, chills, weakness, emotional depression, disappearance of appetite, and dramatic weight loss. He had malabsorption of food nutrients, but nonspecific laboratory findings which included a serum iron level at zero for over a year, an elevated serum candida antigen, positive tests for amebiasis (amebae infection), cryptosporidiosis (protozoa infestation), and extreme intestinal dysbiosis, hypoalbuminemia, electrolyte imbalance, leukocytosis, anemia, and elevated C-reactive protein. Definitive x-ray studies and endoscopy testing by gastroenterologists confirmed the young man’s condition.

Acting on my published information, Dr. Rubin sent his son to Bad Steben, Germany to receive treatment from Helmut G. Keller, M.D., the developer of Carnivora®. But it turns out that the young Floridian became a statistical exception: perhaps one in twenty-five who may not respond to the therapy. He returned to the United States feeling worse, needing to come home in a wheelchair.

Jordan Rubin Tells of His Treatments for Crohn’s Disease

“I grew up under the supervision of a wholistic health exponent, my dad, who never allowed sugar or processed food in our home. I hadn’t ever experience any bowel problem in my life–no stomach or intestinal flu, no diarrhea–but one day I began feeling abdominal discomfort to the extreme. It happened when I was in my first year of college, under a lot of stress and eating junk food,” states Jordan.

“I began seeking treatment from many different healers, nearly seventy in all, including allopathic physicians, chiropractors, herbalists, homeopaths, acupuncturists, osteopaths, nutritionists, and numerous other health professionals. The dozens of pharmaceuticals prescribed by medical doctors, especially prednisone, only made my symptoms worse. I took over two hundred different nutritional supplements each day,” Jordan explains. “Because of an attack of thrush [candidiasis], my tongue looked like it was wearing a polar bear pelt. From a body weight of 180 pounds, within a few weeks I dropped to 150.

“An osteopath, having tested me for every kind of disease–including AIDS, misdiagnosed my weight loss as some kind of bacterial infection. He prescribed antibiotics and sent me back to school, where my symptoms worsened. As terrible joint pains struck me, I ran fevers of 104˚F. When my body temperature spiked 106˚F, the college authorities became really alarmed and had me flown home. I was given emergency treatment in a Palm Beach hospital.

“That was my first hospitalization which lasted two weeks. Here is a short list of drugs I was prescribed thereafter: intravenous (IV) hydrocortisone, multiple forms of broad-spectrum antibiotics, IV metronidazole [Flagyl®], anticholinergics, and antidiarrheal loperamide. By then my body weight had fallen to 140 pounds. I felt exceedingly weak. From a biopsy of the large intestine, my diagnosis of ‘Crohn’s colitis,’ accompanied by ‘marked duodenitis,’ was made during this hospitalization. Thus, the condition was affecting my bowel from the duodenum to the rectum. Surgery involving a colostomy wasn’t any option,” Jordan advises. “The treatment offered was more drugs with their various adverse side effects. Therefore, my parents and I started to search at that time for alternative methods of healing the condition of Crohn’s colitis.

The Patient’s Search for Effective Alternatives

“I began to journey around the world to different clinics and physicians,” the young man said. “Over almost three years, here is what I tried as alternatives to conventional allopathic medicine: cell therapy; seven daily intramuscular injections of vitamins and minerals; IV adrenocortical extract; blood transfusions; immunotherapy; chelation therapy; daily IV drips with several grams of vitamin C; energy medicine with the Voll energy machine, the Rife machine, and interotherapy; classical homeopathy; most of the herbals known to man, including suma, Chinese herbs, and South American herbs, such as Cat’s Claw [Uncaria tomentosa].”

His search for treatment also brought Jordan to use other biological therapies too numerous to include here, but he did hint at a few. “I took shark cartilage; the antiyeast diet plus the anticandidiasis drugs nystatin and Diflucan®; massive doses of L-glutamine amino acid; applied kinesiology; hormone replacement therapy; injectible thymus; the rotation diet; acupuncture; oral enteral feedings; gluten- and dairy-free dieting; UltraClear™ sustained dieting; almost every available food supplement, and any form of immune-stimulating product,” Jordan says. “But nothing out of all these seemed to help!”

“By now, I was experiencing as many as thirty bowel movements during a twenty-four-hour period. I was fatigued and terribly dehydrated. My body weight fell to just 104 pounds; my resting heart rate galloped at 220 beats per minute. Almost no electrolytes were detectable in my body. This resulted in emergency hospitalization; it took the nurses three hours to get blood from me. That’s when my dad telephoned you, Dr. Walker, to learn more about IV and oral Carnivora®. And I did make the trip to Germany.”

“At the time of that second hospitalization during the late fall of 1995, the hospital staff was convinced that I was about to die,” Jordan says. “I asked God in prayer to help me, and those prayers were answered by his sending a solution for my suffering. Upon my leaving the hospital two weeks later weighing 111 pounds [see Jordan’s photograph at age 20], I learned about God’s gift to me–it was certain soil-based organisms present in a brand of product named Nature’s Biotics™.”

Crohn’s Disease Correction by Use of Soil-Based Organisms

“I ordered the encapsulated soil-based product and started to take more than what was recommended. Improvement didn’t come on immediately; I had somewhat of a Herxheimer reaction,” suggests Jordan.

Also referred to as “die-off,” the Herxheimer reaction is an allergic body response resulting from the death of large numbers of pathological organisms. Their cell-wall proteins become absorbed through the patient’s chronically weakened mucous membranes which absorb toxic products from these dead organisms. The collective effects of organism die-off often temporarily worsen one’s symptoms. Wholistic physicians who practice environmental medicine believe this die-off reaction indicates that the patient is having an excellent backlash effect to good treatment.2

“About 30 days after taking Nature’s Biotics™, I eliminated this shiny, black, tar-like material. After experiencing about seven thousand bowel movements in a year, one would think my colon was pretty much cleaned out. But it wasn’t,” Jordan states. “For about thirty days, I didn’t really see much improvement but stuck with those soil-based organisms, primarily because I had never before read such convincing research on any product. Within a month, I began feeling new surges of energy. My immune system started to restore itself. My appetite returned, and each week I’ve put on a few pounds as well as good muscle mass. Today, a year after finding Nature’s Biotics™, I weigh 184 pounds [see Jordan’s photograph at age 21, which was taken six months ago]. And I am pursuing a career in the health field.”

“From the ground up, these soil-based organisms have kick-started my immune system into re-functioning again. Nothing else has helped me like them,” Jordan Rubin concludes. “Unquestionably they’re a gift from God for me. From spending as much as $100 a day on nutritional supplements, now I’m down to taking almost nothing else except Nature’s Biotics™. All I require to keep a healthy bowel is to stay on a diet of whole foods which includes meat and dairy and a daily nutritional supplement of soil-based organisms as the foundation of my eating program.”

Why Degenerative and Autoimmune Diseases Are on the Rise

Crohn’s disease is a “wasting” disorder in which the immune system can no longer function properly. The numerous symptoms Jordan Rubin had experienced happened because his body was virtually “shutting down”. The many other new types of health problems for ill individuals indicate that human autoimmune functions are severely compromised. The incidence of diseases attributed to severe immunological dysfunction is on the rise, and informed observers do know why. It’s the lack of Probiotic-type, beneficial gut bacteria.

Nobel laureate Elias Metchnikoff, Ph.D., who discovered many immune system components including phagocytes, at the turn of the twentieth century, wrote about the prolongation of life. He postulated that there’s a direct and intimate correlation between health, longevity, and the proper balance of beneficial microorganisms in the body. Recently there has been renewed interest in microbes, probably because the antibiotic-resistant bacteria are currently invading hospitals and causing infectious havoc. Once again scientists are documenting many of Dr. Metchnikoff’s findings and today, medical scientists and some clinicians are refocusing attention on the indispensable part played by living organisms in the gut and the rest of the human body.3

Over 400 distinct species of microorganism inhabit the human digestive tract, and their collective quantity far exceeds the number of physiological tissue cells. These friendly microorganisms are responsible for numerous essential body operations, including maintaining the chemical and hormonal balance, preventing infiltration of harmful bacteria, yeasts, viruses, molds, and other parasites, producing and regulating vitamins, stimulating the function of the entire digestive system, and promoting proper immune function.4

In unpublished observations, William Bryce, M.D., classifies soil-based microorganisms (SBOs) as a type of “Probiotic” that has a role in the body along with their beneficial bacterial cousins. A Probiotic falls into the category of dietary supplement consisting of beneficial microorganisms which limit the proliferation of disease-causing microbes by competitive exclusion in the gastrointestinal tract of man and animals.5

“When soil-based organisms are ingested and deposited in the human gut, the principals remain the same as in the soil of a garden,” says Dr. Bryce, “except that the more complicated environment provides greater opportunity for influence within a living organism and the processes therein. Mammals are wrapped around their own organic garden [the gastrointestinal tract] and carry it with them.”

Dr. Bryce concludes, “Just as SBOs destroy molds, yeasts, fungi, and viruses in the soil of the organic garden, they perform the same with pathological organisms present in the gut, which greatly augments the body’s immune system.”

The Probiotic Characteristics of Soil-Based Organisms

The term Probiotic comes from Greek words meaning “for life,” and refers to organisms such as the bacteria which contribute to the health and balance of the intestinal tract. The word, Probiotics, when used for descriptive purposes, covers all of those favorably disposed, healthy microorganisms such as the ones found in yogurt, kefir, sour milk, cheese, acidophilus milk, etc. They make up the major portion of the intestinal flora in a healthy person.

The word flora, as in “gut flora”, means “flower”, and Probiotics are flower-like plants growing within the alimentary canal. Their soil is the gut mucosa with an acid pH ranging from 5.0 to 6.9. (Neutral is a pH of 7.) If the mucosal soil’s pH turns alkaline, illness sets in as leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or some other series of symptoms that bring on serious gastrointestinal discomfort. It’s best to employ Probiotics as a means of avoiding such discomfort.6

Soil-based organisms collectively exhibit all of the most favorable characteristics of an effective Probiotic.

The Reason One’s Immune System Dysfunctions

From thousands of years up to about half-a-century ago, the American agricultural system raised fruits and vegetables in soil exceedingly rich in bacteria and other organisms. After World War II, however, these soil-based organisms were displaced as a result of chemical farming and pesticide usage by big agricultural business. In their quest to reduce unwanted disease-causing pathogens, agribusiness interest groups sterilized the soil and water (chlorination), thereby eliminating the beneficial bacteria as well as the harmful ones. We now even give antibiotics, hormones, and other drugs to chickens and cattle–so much so that all of the European Common Market refuses to import livestock from American farms.

As the practice of soil and water sterilization increased over the years, the beneficial bacteria in Americans’ bodies decreased correspondingly. Normally we have a balance of 85 percent “good” bacteria to 15 percent “bad” ones in the intestinal tract. But today most of us show the reverse ratio; therefore, it’s no coincidence that the incidence of chronic and degenerative diseases have multiplied dramatically since World War II.

Sophisticated lifestyles among Western industrialized countries contribute greatly to critical gastrointestinal disruption among the populations. Antibiotic usage, overabundant stress, consumption of excess sugar and alcohol, the regular drinking of carbonated beverages, and frequent swallowing of over-the-counter drugs do alter the acid/alkaline balance of the intestinal tract, creating the perfect environment for pathogenic microbial activity.

Nutritional researchers now are convinced that as much as 90 percent of known systemic diseases may be caused or exacerbated by gastrointestinal imbalance. Jordan Rubin’s Crohn’s disease is an overly severe example of what can occur from gut imbalance. Other examples are allergies, chronic candidiasis, food sensitivities, asthma, hormonal dysfunction, intestinal gas and bloating, certain skin diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, and more.

When toxins are dispersed through the blood stream and then into the body, a precondition of “intestinal toxemia”, poisoning by the harmful gut bacteria occurs. “It is now universally conceded that autointoxication is the underlying cause of an exceptionally large group of symptom complexes,” said H.H. Boeker, D.C., as far back as 1928.7

The immune-stimulating transient food- and soil-borne microorganisms are the crucial missing elements necessary to address this problem of intestinal toxemia.8

Finding, Testing and Developing the Soil-Based Organisms

While hiking through a remote area in Asia in 1978, a scientist named Peter Smith, Ph.D., discovered some mounds on the ground that he recognized as soil-based organisms of an unusual nature. He brought a small quantity of the SBOs to the United States for use in experimentation.

Because these bacteria are not regularly found on the North American continent, Dr. Smith had to create a new culture for research purposes. Over the next three years Dr. Smith’s research team performed studies on the unknown soil-based organisms. These researchers: (1) identified exactly what the various strains were; (2) determined toxicity or pathogenicity of the bacteria for humans or animals; (3) ascertained if the SBOs are beneficial for animals or humans and found they were useful to both. In vivo tests on rodents and other animals proved that nothing toxic came from the bacteria.

Botany studies conducted indicated the SBOs were beneficial to plants and soil. Next, at Mexican institutions human beings–including Dr. Peter Smith himself–underwent clinical tests with the bacteria by applying them topically to open wounds. Then the organisms were ingested. No toxicity reactions or side effects were observed; in fact, the SBOs offered no adverse responses in the test subjects even with greater amounts consumed.

The Soil-Base Organisms Are as Old as Life on Earth

Over time, Dr. Smith and his coworkers perfected a process for selectively breeding superior strains of the microorganisms until they produced cultures that furnished good, positive body reactions such as more satisfying bowel movements, improved sleep patterns, fewer colds and flu, and greater amounts of energy. During the breeding experiments, the manufacturer brought his SBOs to university laboratories in California for experiments. He collaborated with professors and utilized the universities’ computer data banks which resulted in the product known today as Nature’s Biotics™.

In the product capsule is a culture of specifically selected microorganisms incorporated in a growth medium. When in contact with aqueous solutions of any type (including body fluids), the SBOs begin reproducing and ingest the host substrate medium. They form a protein biomass for the organisms’ proper functions. By use of an unpatented but secret process, the SBOs are kept in a dormant state within their black storage powder until they become activated as a result of their introduction into an aqueous solution, such as water or juice.9

Neither, the manufacturer or his collaborators ever made any changes to the bacteria by mutation or other means. These soil-based organisms appear to be as old as the Earth.

Since 1981, more than 20,000 people have consumed Nature’s Biotics™ under various brand names. The exact number of consumers is unknown simply because those health professionals dispensing the product have never reported the total number of their patients using it.

Functions and Actions of the Encapsulated SBOs

Joseph B. Culbertson, D.C., theorizes that soil-based organisms may actually reverse the degenerative process of disease. “Research has shown that Nature’s Biotics™ does several things. The product detoxifies the intestinal tract, increases the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, and makes the immune system super strong, especially in its ability to fight viruses and bacteria,” states Dr. Culbertson. “They’re extremely aggressive against all pathological molds, yeasts, fungi, and viruses. They stimulate the formation of human lactoferrin. People with environmental allergies and food allergies find that these problems abate. The functioning of any supplemental nutrient or synthetic medication being taken becomes enhanced in its action because the soil-based organisms improve intestinal absorption.”

Examining each of the actions of soil-based organisms, we see how and why they work beneficially for the human body.

SBOs Establish a Healthy Colon

SBOs create a healthy colon environment and flush pathogens (including parasites) out of the body.
The SBOs establish colonies in the entire digestive system, starting in the esophagus and ending in the colon, by attaching themselves to the walls of these organs. Burrowing behind the “putrefaction” which lines the intestinal walls, they eat and destroy the unfriendly bacteria living there. The decay is then dislodged and flushed out of the body in the normal evacuation process.

In this way the live beneficial bacteria in Nature’s Biotics™ re-establish the normal balance of beneficial to harmful bacteria, thereby recreating the proper chemical environment so that yeasts and other adverse microbes will not overrun the GI tract.

Moreover, protozoa, worms, and other parasites get confronted and eliminated as well by the aggressive action of the SBOs, both within the intestines and throughout the other organs and tissues. Candida albicans, other yeasts, and molds become obliterated.

SBOs Free Up the Mucosal Villi

SBOs tend to correct the gut’s mal-absorption of nutrients; they actually produce and then regulate vitamin metabolism.
Many of us experience low nutrient absorption because of layers of putrefaction consisting of undigested foods coating the small intestinal villi which ordinarily are responsible for the absorption of nutrients. When this leather-like substance is removed, these small hair-size mucosal extensions are freed to finally perform their job properly. The anecdotal reports from end users of Nature’s Biotics™ indicate a mucosal absorption increase averaging 50 percent with daily supplementation.

In addition, the SBOs break down food into its most basic element to allow almost total absorption of nutrients. The 72 trace minerals and another dozen micronutrients in the product furnish “biological data” needed to provide an “absorption pattern” which shows the body how to once again get nutrients from foods consumed.

Among other nutrition scientists, medical biochemist Peter R. Rothschild, M.D., Ph.D., believes that most mineral deficits are caused by chronic gut absorption difficulties and not from the lack of minerals. The wide variety of micro-nutrients in Nature’s Biotics™ is so well absorbed through the mucosa they act as biological response modifiers. (They help one’s physiology modify its ability to absorb larger doses of nutrients from natural foods.)

SBOs Pool New RNA/DNA in the Cells

SBOs facilitate cellular repair and restore homeostatic cell function by producing DNA/RNA.
Working in a symbiotic relationship with somatic cells, soil-based organisms metabolize proteins necessary for cell growth and repair. They rebalance cellular chemistry and rid it of waste products. The SBOs in Nature’s Biotics™ produce a wide array of DNA with the corresponding RNA. Inasmuch as DNA carries instructions for activating self-repair by creating a pool of extra DNA/RNA immediately available when wanted, accelerated healing of wounds occurs and this includes the healing of severe skin burns, surgical incisions, and infections.

The SBOs also provide gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid responsible for crucial hormone production. Without it, the endocrine system cannot function, and the body doesn’t synthesize GLA but must extract it from foods, which sometimes is difficult.

SBOs Quench Free Radicals by Creating SOD

SBOs produce the free radical quencher, superoxide dysmutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant.
Unless extinguished at once, free radicals attack any physiological molecule, causing cancers and other tissue damages. SOD, working enzymatically, is a first-line defense against free radicals before they can cause organ damage. It’s found in only a few foods, and even with ingesting it as an edible, the body finds assimilation and retention of SOD difficult.

Studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have shown that SOD dramatically reduces tissue damage in the heart following a coronary thrombosis as well as alleviating destructive changes in the intestines, pancreas, kidneys, and skin. The SOD enzymatic activity increases efficiency of energy within the organelles of cells, thereby allowing them to concentrate on nourishment and self-repair. SOD is created as a byproduct of the SBOs’ metabolism.

SBOs Stimulate Alpha Interferon Production

SBOs stimulate the production of a key immune system regulator, the polypeptide alpha interferon (a molecular protein).
The great virus-fighting ability of alpha interferon has long been known by the scientific community. Research documents over fifty of its immune-regulating effects. Alpha interferon has been synthesized and used for a variety of illnesses, notably cancer and AIDS, but the recombinant-derived version is extremely costly, inefficient, and offers many adverse side effects for humans.

Performing research studies on soil-based organisms at the State Academy of Medicine in Apodaca, Mexico, Dr. Peter Rothschild and his coworkers report that Nature’s Biotics™, “when consumed at the recommended servings, stimulate the body’s endogenous alpha interferon production. The product itself does not contain any alpha interferon but comprises a singularly efficient set of nutrients that seem to increase specifically and most effectively the body’s natural alpha interferon production.”

Working on human immunopathic patients, the research team demonstrated that the human body requires extremely small daily quantities of alpha interferon to maintain a lively and effective immune response. In adults, the amalwa cells, those lymphoblastoid cells that serve as cradles or holding pens for T-lymphocytes (types of white blood cells) derived from the thymus gland, produce just 200 nanograms (ngm), a homeopathic dosage of fresh alpha interferon daily.

According to Dr.Rothschild, this tiny bit of therapeutic substance produced by the soil-based organisms is an effective neutralizer of the toxic effects of pathogenic viruses that cause herpes, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and other potentially life-threatening illnesses.10

SBOs Free Up the Mucosal Villi

SBOs tend to correct the gut’s mal-absorption of nutrients; they actually produce and then regulate vitamin metabolism.
Many of us experience low nutrient absorption because of layers of putrefaction consisting of undigested foods coating the small intestinal villi which ordinarily are responsible for the absorption of nutrients. When this leather-like substance is removed, these small hair-size mucosal extensions are freed to finally perform their job properly. The anecdotal reports from end users of Nature’s Biotics™ indicate a mucosal absorption increase averaging 50 percent with daily supplementation.

In addition, the SBOs break down food into its most basic element to allow almost total absorption of nutrients. The 72 trace minerals and another dozen micronutrients in the product furnish “biological data” needed to provide an “absorption pattern” which shows the body how to once again get nutrients from foods consumed.

Among other nutrition scientists, medical biochemist Peter R. Rothschild, M.D., Ph.D., believes that most mineral deficits are caused by chronic gut absorption difficulties and not from the lack of minerals. The wide variety of micro-nutrients in Nature’s Biotics™ is so well absorbed through the mucosa they act as biological response modifiers. (They help one’s physiology modify its ability to absorb larger doses of nutrients from natural foods.)

SBOs Pool New RNA/DNA in the Cells

SBOs facilitate cellular repair and restore homeostatic cell function by producing DNA/RNA.
Working in a symbiotic relationship with somatic cells, soil-based organisms metabolize proteins necessary for cell growth and repair. They rebalance cellular chemistry and rid it of waste products. The SBOs in Nature’s Biotics™ produce a wide array of DNA with the corresponding RNA. Inasmuch as DNA carries instructions for activating self-repair by creating a pool of extra DNA/RNA immediately available when wanted, accelerated healing of wounds occurs and this includes the healing of severe skin burns, surgical incisions, and infections.

The SBOs also provide gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid responsible for crucial hormone production. Without it, the endocrine system cannot function, and the body doesn’t synthesize GLA but must extract it from foods, which sometimes is difficult.

SBOs Quench Free Radicals by Creating SOD

SBOs produce the free radical quencher, superoxide dysmutase (SOD), a powerful antioxidant.
Unless extinguished at once, free radicals attack any physiological molecule, causing cancers and other tissue damages. SOD, working enzymatically, is a first-line defense against free radicals before they can cause organ damage. It’s found in only a few foods, and even with ingesting it as an edible, the body finds assimilation and retention of SOD difficult.

Studies at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have shown that SOD dramatically reduces tissue damage in the heart following a coronary thrombosis as well as alleviating destructive changes in the intestines, pancreas, kidneys, and skin. The SOD enzymatic activity increases efficiency of energy within the organelles of cells, thereby allowing them to concentrate on nourishment and self-repair. SOD is created as a byproduct of the SBOs’ metabolism.

SBOs Stimulate Alpha Interferon Production

SBOs stimulate the production of a key immune system regulator, the polypeptide alpha interferon (a molecular protein).
The great virus-fighting ability of alpha interferon has long been known by the scientific community. Research documents over fifty of its immune-regulating effects. Alpha interferon has been synthesized and used for a variety of illnesses, notably cancer and AIDS, but the recombinant-derived version is extremely costly, inefficient, and offers many adverse side effects for humans.

Performing research studies on soil-based organisms at the State Academy of Medicine in Apodaca, Mexico, Dr. Peter Rothschild and his coworkers report that Nature’s Biotics™, “when consumed at the recommended servings, stimulate the body’s endogenous alpha interferon production. The product itself does not contain any alpha interferon but comprises a singularly efficient set of nutrients that seem to increase specifically and most effectively the body’s natural alpha interferon production.”

Working on human immunopathic patients, the research team demonstrated that the human body requires extremely small daily quantities of alpha interferon to maintain a lively and effective immune response. In adults, the amalwa cells, those lymphoblastoid cells that serve as cradles or holding pens for T-lymphocytes (types of white blood cells) derived from the thymus gland, produce just 200 nanograms (ngm), a homeopathic dosage of fresh alpha interferon daily.

According to Dr.Rothschild, this tiny bit of therapeutic substance produced by the soil-based organisms is an effective neutralizer of the toxic effects of pathogenic viruses that cause herpes, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and other potentially life-threatening illnesses.10

SBOs Produce Un-programmed Antibodies

SBOs produce a protein the immune system reacts to as an antigen (foreign substance), stimulating the formation of a large number of the B-lymphocytes (other types of white blood cells) which, in turn, spawn un-coded antibodies.
According to Dr. Rothschild’s studies, the antibodies produced are “non-addressed,” meaning they’ve not been preprogrammed to attack any specific pathogen but are freely available to travel where and when needed. Since by their action, SBOs replace spent antibodies depleted through aging, drug use, and living a poor lifestyle, people taking them won’t be antibody-depleted.

Dr. Rothschild explains, “The beauty of it all is that this huge reservoir of extra antibodies is always on hand for the immune system to utilize as long as the individual is ingesting the SBOs regularly. Without them, this reservoir of extra antibodies is completely unavailable. Thus, by ingesting soil-based organisms on a regular basis the effectiveness of one’s immune system becomes vastly enhanced.” According to the observations of health professionals dispensing the product, people taking Nature’s Biotics™ stay free of viruses and other infections so that they report having fewer colds and illnesses.

SBOs Stimulate the Production of Human Lactoferrin

SBOs stimulate the production of lactoferrin within the body.
Dr. Rothschild advises that most people do not exhibit a lack of iron but rather the inability to absorb it. “Iron that is used today to complement foods has a very low bio-accessibility rate. Only about 7 percent is absorbed by the GI tract and an even lesser percentage is actually assimilated by the organs that require it. In a useless effort to compensate for this shortcoming, persistently excessive amounts of iron are added to food in general. The iron then remains unassimilated and supports infectious bacterial and viral growth in the entire individual.”

Present in the soil-based organisms themselves is a certain substance that stimulates the formation of human lactoferrin, a member of the family of iron-binding proteins. As affirmed by Dr. Rothschild, lactoferrin protein is found in the specific granules of neutrophils where it exerts an antimicrobial activity by withholding iron from ingested bacteria and fungi. For this reason soil-based organisms exhibit characteristics akin to fungicides, virucides, bactericides, and parasiticides.

“Iron carried by lactoferrin is extremely bio-accessible–greater than 95 percent–yet it will not be delivered to noxious microbes. Lactoferrin is identified by specific receptors and delivers iron to the epithelial cells of the small intestine. Iron is released only at the point of recognition and does, therefore, not become available for any other microorganism that may abound in the intestinal tract,” concludes Dr. Rothschild.

Lactoferrin derived from bovine sources is sold today as a nutritional supplement, but it has almost no binding power to pathological microbes and thus does hardly anything to kill them. Human lactoferrin is less allergenic and less toxic than a foreign protein such as bovine lactoferrin and will be preferred for all human applications over bovine lactoferrin. The one company that had been manufacturing recombinant human lactoferrin, Agennix, Inc. of Houston, Texas, has gone out of business.11

To my knowledge, soil-based organisms in the product distributed as Nature’s Biotics™ is the only one currently available as a source of human-derived lactoferrin.

Some Health Problems Healed by Soil-Based Organisms

The soil-based organisms have been useful for the healing of some really serious illnesses. In an average of ninety days following their ingestion, specific morbid states for which the soil-based organisms have been taken by sick patients strictly as adjunctive healing agents, positive therapeutic results have been observed and reported anecdotally by both patients and doctors (see below).

Particular serious diseases either have gone into remission or the ill person’s body showed no more signs of the sickness. The patients and their health professionals administering these cultures of selected microorganisms were surprised and much heartened by elimination of the disease symptoms. Here are some of the conditions that are reported anecdotally to have been symptomatically relieved:

Lymphocytic lymphoma
Prostate carcinoma
Lung carcinoma
Skin melanoma
Multiple sclerosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Addison’s disease
Diabetes mellitus
Adrenal leukodystrophy
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Multiple allergies
Systemic lupus erythematosis
Health Professionals Reporting Treatment Successes

Having practiced chiropractic manipulation and nutritional therapy in Markle, Indiana, Phyllis Wilson Confer, D.C. (recently deceased), had been dispensing soil-based organisms for her patients’ serious health problems since 1989. She revealed her experiences to Donald Boys, Ph.D., of Indianapolis, former member of the Indiana House of Representatives and columnist for USA Today. At the time of her interview, Dr. Confer told Dr. Boys that she had fifty of her patients taking Natur-Zyme (Nature’s Biotics™).

“One of my patients had exceedingly elevated blood triglycerides at 305 milligrams percent (mg %). Six weeks later, from the woman’s taking soil-based organisms, her triglycerides dropped to a mere 151 mg %,” Dr. Confer said. “I’m excited about the product. There are so many positive experiences associated with it.

“For instance, I had another patient with an enlarged prostate [benign prostatic hyperplasia] who was scheduled for surgery [transurethral resection of the prostate gland]. Some weeks before his calendar date to undergo the operation, I put this man on those same soil-based organisms as an immune system booster so that he might heal faster. As a result of his taking the food supplement, his prostate gland shrunk and the surgery was cancelled,” advised Dr. Confer. “My patient had made no alteration in his usual lifestyle except to take capsules of the soil-based organisms as a food supplement.

“A second man was the victim of poisoning from agent-orange during the Vietnam War. His exposure had left him with a permanent disability that caused marked shuffling as he walked. When I dispensed the soil-based organisms to him inside of two weeks he didn’t shuffle anymore but rather walked upright. A number of other discomforts from which he suffered cleared up too,” Dr. Phyllis Confer had told Dr. Boys. Acupuncturist James T. Reese, OMD, L.Ac., described during an audiotape interview how he eliminated worms from his Pomeranian dog, Scuby. Dr. Reese had dropped powder from capsules of the soil-based organisms into Scuby’s drinking water. The next morning Scuby vomited massive amounts of worms and thereafter became a healthy, friendly, and lively little dog once again.

Research on Soil-Based Organisms Carried Out in Mexico

In 1993, three single-blind, placebo-controlled clinical investigations of soil-based organisms packaged as Nature-Earth (Nature’s Biotics™) were conducted on a Mexican population at the Dispensario Medico, Partido de la Revolucion Democratica (Medical Dispensary of the PRD’s Guanajuato State Branch), in Irapuato, Mexico.

The first study, Study One, investigated chronic hypercholesteremia in adult humans to learn if the condition would improve in a total population of seventy subjects. All of the patients exhibited blood cholesterol counts greater than 300 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). In his conclusion to the study, the Director of Dispensario Medico’s Clinical Research Division wrote: “The administration of Natur-Earth capsules to 35 adult humans of the test group, suffering from chronic hypercholesteremia, appears to have reduced their total cholesterol count by not less than 25 percent; whereas, results in a comparable control group, minus two dropouts, administered placebo capsules containing vegetal carbon, are, with one exception, not viable.”

Using the same product as the test agent above, this next study, Study Two, investigated 70 subjects to determine whether there is an increase in energy levels and vitality in human adults of both sexes without their having any diagnosed pathologies. Of the 35 test patients, 33 reported increased energy levels and a feeling of general wellbeing. Among the placebo group, none out of the 33 subjects remaining after two dropped out of the study reported a positive response.

This same Director of the Clinical Research Division wrote: “The administration of Nature-Earth capsules to 35 human adults of the test group, free of diagnosed pathologies, reveal that 33 out of 35 achieved moderately increased RBC and HGB levels; the same 33 also reported remarkable increases in energy levels and vitality; 28 revealed conspicuous increases of mental agility; none [of the subjects] informed about loss of energy or of vitality. Whereas, only one out of the 33 human adults taking placebos revealed increases in her RBC; 2 in the study increased HGB (hemoglobin); 4 appeared to have developed their mental agility; none has reported heightened energy or vitality levels.”

Using the same product to test as mentioned above, this single-blind, placebo-controlled study, Study Three, investigated the symptoms of chronic lymphocitic leukemia in 35 human subjects. One dropped out of the study. The Director of the Clinical Research Division wrote: “The administration of Nature-Earth capsules to 34 human individuals afflicted with chronic lymphocitic leukemia, appears to have attenuated the symptoms of approximately 80 percent of the thus treated patients.12

Resource Update ─ January 2015

In 2008 the product referred to in this article underwent a name change from Nature’s Biotics® to BODY BIOTICS™. With the exception of the following paragraph updates, no changes have been made to this original 1997 published article. It has been reprinted here in its entirety.

BODY BIOTICS™ is and always will be the pioneering formula that led to the current Probiotics revolution. BODY BIOTICS™ virtually paved the way to natural health solutions through the use of SBO Consortia of Bio-Identical™ Probiotic Super-strains. To acquire more information about SBOs (soil-borne organisms) and BODY BIOTICS™ effective 35 year old formula, please contact BODY BIOTICS INTERNATIONAL at 800-713-3888 or go to our consumer website at: or the Medical/Alternative website at:

NOTE: You may find a variety of articles on the internet that appear to be referencing this original 1997 TOWNSEND LETTER publication on SBOs (Soil Borne Organisms) and the efficacy of Nature’s Biotics® (now called BODY BIOTICS™.) This original article written by Dr. Walker in 1997 about the benefits of Body Biotics and SBOs contained such cutting edge information that it was rewritten and altered again in Feb/2001 (by Dr. Walker and others) as the importance of our daily need for Probiotics became mainstream news.


Walker, M. “Profile of Helmut Keller, M.D., the physician who reverses colitis and other chronic infective and degenerative diseases.” Raum & Zeit 2(4):19-22, 1991.
Trowbridge, J.P. and Walker, M. The Yeast Syndrome (New York: Bantam Books, 1986), pp. 38 & 39.
Walker, M. Olive Leaf Extract (New York City: Kensington Publishing Co., Inc., presently in press and scheduled for publication in September 1997).
Walker, M. Indigestion of the Western World (possibly having a title change to Indigestion, What to Do About It) presently in press by the Avery Publishing Group, scheduled for publication in October 1997 under the imprint, “A Dr. Morton Walker Health Book.”
Trenev, N. “The scientific criteria for selecting eficacious probiotics.” Townsend Letter for Doctors, November 1994, pp. 1199-1206.
Op. Cit. Walker, M. Indigestion.
Boeker, H.H. “Autointoxication.” Medical Journal and Record 128:293, Sept. 19, 1928.
Immerman, A. “Evidence for intestinal toxemia–an inescapable clinical phenomenon.” The ACA Journal of Chiropractic 13:S25-S36, April 1979.
Unpublished data furnished as part of investigational documents furnished by the United States Federal Trade Commission under the Freedom of Information Act.
Unpublished data furnished by Peter R. Rothschild, M.D., Ph.D.
Walker, M. “Infectious bugs are back. . . . but there’s a remedy.” Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients 145/146:42-46, Aug./Sept. 1995.
Unpublished data furnished by the Director de la Division de Investigaciones Clinicas, Academia de Medicina, Estado de Guanajuato, Mexico, 15 de Agosto, de 1993.