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Bio-Identical Probiotic/Prebiotic SBO Consortia

Make a resolution to stick to your New Year’s resolution

Posted by Kelli de Sante' on 9th Jan 2022

Make a resolution to stick to your New Year’s resolution

Dive into some tips and tricks to ensure your goal for the New Year is attainable and a success. *

I love the start of a New Year. It’s the opportunity to recognize the things we want to change in our lives and feel like we can actually do something about it. It’s our desire to find a solution to something not right in our world. It’s our opportunity to resolve to change ourselves for the better, to leave the past in the past, and look forward. 1*

The symbolism of the New Year is important to many. It is a time of cleansing, saying good bye to old habits, and resolving ourselves to embrace new and better ones. It is easy to wish and want to be better but actually doing it is another thing. Why is it so easy to fall back into old habits, even when we were so resolute at the start of a new year? Not to be negative, but did you know that 60 percent of people abandon their resolutions within six months and 25 percent of people abandon them within just 7 days? Not us! (1,2)*

Here are some tips and tricks we’ve dug up to help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

Make your goals attainable

According to Career Coach Susan Peppercorn, “…The number one reason people don’t keep their New Year’s resolutions, is because they’re too big or vague…” She adds…”…The next step after deciding on a resolution is to break it up into small, realistic objectives that will help you meet that larger goal…” 3*

If you want to lose weight, make it realistic. Instead of saying I want to lose 100 lbs, tell yourself I want to lose 5 or 10. Once you attain that goal, go for the next 10. Want to learn piano? Learn the keys first then move on to scales and then the next thing rather than expecting you can play Bohemian Rhapsody right out of the gate. Give yourself some grace when setting goals for yourself rather than setting yourself up for failure.*

Have a plan

How are you going to reach your goal? It’s wonderful to say I want to learn to fly a plane. But how are you going to make that happen? I want to get healthier. How? What is your plan? Write it down, do some research, meet with a professional coach or take classes to figure out how you will make it happen.*

Write it down

Things get done a lot more often when we decide to write them down. It’s like a mini contract with ourselves. According to a study on goal-setting with nearly 270 participants, Psychology professor Dr. Gail Matthews, at the Dominican University in California found that people are 42 percent more likely to achieve their goals when they write them down. 4*

Be organized

If you get up in the morning and immediately start reacting, rather than having an organized routine or plan in mind, you will get a lot less done as opposed to being methodically on track. Think ahead, plan your day the night before, have your clothes out, including workout clothes so you don’t have to take time out of your morning to find your shoes or your keys. Plan your meals for the day beforehand to ensure you are eating healthy rather than thinking I’m hungry and being left with few, possibly only unhealthy options. You can be a lot more successful when you are organized in your mind and in your living space.*


Focus is something that gets taken away from us when we get on the computer or other electronic device and we get distracted by social media, emails, ads, or posts about celebrities or the latest movie coming out. Our attention has become so splintered of late due to the myriad attention grabbers in our world. It takes a concerted effort to minimize these because they creep into our world without us even realizing it. As soon as you turn on the TV, peek at Instagram or start scrolling the news on your phone, you are letting outside influences in and it can turn into a real-time and energy sucker. Focus, focus, focus on your own self, your own tasks, and your own family. And focus on your goals and resolutions before giving your attention to outside sources.*

Learn to say not now

Sticking to a resolution that involves dieting, abstaining from alcohol, or not spending money can be difficult when you have a busy social calendar. But sometimes in order to stick to your resolution, you need to say no, or “not now”. You might have to switch up your social calendar and meet a friend for a walk or coffee or at an exercise class versus meeting for happy hour or a rich and expensive dinner.*

Learn new skills

There is an expression you can’t teach an old dog new tricks but that is just not true. With determination and an open mind, you can learn anything you want. But it is easy to get lazy and revert to what you know and what is easy. If you really want to learn something new or develop different habits, there is nothing stopping you…but yourself. Just make it a habit. Aristotle is credited for saying, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”5*

Focus on your health

Regardless of what your new year’s resolutions are, always focus on your health. When you make a resolution to be better, it should be assumed that always means taking care of your health first and foremost, because when you have good health, you really do have it all. Resolving the conflict between the good and bad bacteria in your gut should be automatically at the top of your resolution list because if your gut isn’t healthy folks, nothing is really going to be right in your life. So make sure that your routine includes taking your Body Biotics Bio-Identical SBO Probiotics Consortia every day with a big glass of water and you are already off to a great start. It is one of the most important things you can do to help keep your immune system strong.6*

Ok, 2022….let’s go! May we all strive to be our best and let’s stick to our New Year’s Resolutions!

Healthiest wishes,


