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Bio-Identical Probiotic/Prebiotic SBO Consortia

Lessons Learned in 2020

Posted by Kelli de Sante' on 27th Dec 2020

2020…what we learned

During the hardest of times come the most valuable lessons.

It’s almost here! 2021! You did it. You made it through one of the roughest years most of us have ever experienced. Things are much different than they were last year at this time. Last year at this time we were making our new year’s resolutions that probably looked something like ‘lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more.” This year our new year’s resolutions most likely look like, ”hang on just a little longer, don’t get Covid, keep breathing, keep moving forward, don’t go insane.”

It sure puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? At the beginning of the pandemic when food shelves were picked over and there was no toilet paper anywhere, my commitment to organic and non-GMO produce quickly changed to hoping we could just find produce at all and hope nobody else had put their grubby mitts on it. Whereas I’m not usually a proponent of antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizers that kill every little germ, suddenly, incessant hand washing and serial use of hand sanitizer became acceptable.

We’ve made it this far. We can keep going. And we can keep going because we are in this together and we are one. We are one nation, one community, one group of health-minded people that know that taking good care of our immune systems will keep us healthy and strong.

Not all was bad…we made lemonade out of lemons and picked up new hobbies, read more, cooked at home more and many families spent more time together. People drove less which gave Mother Nature a break. But people got antsy and restless as well, and we saw how that turned out in ways that we all might choose to forget. Some people showed their ugly side, and we learned who those people were and had the opportunity to reshuffle our friendships and relations. It’s as if all our lives got thrown in a tumbler, and out we are coming with new priorities and ideas, and new ways of behaving.

Many people lost loved ones this year, many to this terrible virus that gripped the nation and the world. For any of you who lost someone near and dear to you, we are so sorry for your loss. There is nothing that takes priority over those we love. We learned that in the hardest ways this year.

And there was more that we learned this year.

We learned the importance of community and the power of relationships.

We learned to be creative and came up with new and wonderful ways to connect with one another.

We learned to wear a mask and that wearing a mask isn’t so much about protecting ourselves but protecting and respecting others.

We learned you can never wash your hands enough and that you really are supposed to cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze.

We learned people panic when they can’t find toilet paper.

We learned the benefit of technology and how to hold meetings via zoom calls.

We learned who we can’t live without and we learned that some people we can and that we shouldn’t continue on with the things and the people that don’t make us happy.

We learned the importance of supporting small business and that if we don’t, they will go away.

We learned we can work from home and it is actually more productive in many cases.

We learned we can go days without a shower and months without a haircut.

We learned that we need each other more than we ever thought imaginable.

We learned how easily manipulated we all can be by the media, and that if we aren’t careful, we can be manipulated into thinking that someone who shares an opposing political view is the enemy, not just a friend or neighbor with an opposing view.

We learned that if we aren’t careful, we can irreparably damage relationships as a result of arguing about politics.

We learned that we don’t mind being alone as much as we thought and we learned that some people find it unbearable. We learned we need to reach out to those people.

We learned we can drink a lot of alcohol and that we shouldn’t use it as a crutch.

We learned that our children will suffer without in-person social interaction and that we need to be understanding of their emotional health.

We learned there are a lot of people who are worse off than ourselves.

We learned that we need to respect nature and that with the flick of a match or a lightning strike, millions of acres of forest can be lost.

We learned that life is fragile and so are we and that when it all comes down to it, we really do need to love each other and be kind to one another.

We learned that though times are tough, we are strong and will survive.

We learned that there is only one 2020 and we never want to speak or hear of it ever again!

May the New Year be your best year yet and may we all enter day one of 2021 renewed, reborn and recommitted to living our healthiest and happiest lives.

Happy New Year from all of us at Body Biotics™!

Healthiest wishes,
